Course 課程
- 稽古/指導内容 -

— 立禮 standing etiquette
— 座禮 seat etiquette
— 道場文化及守則 Dojo culture and rules
— 傳統服飾 Traditional clothing
— 日本刀介紹 Katana Introduction
— 日本刀清潔及保養 Katana cleaning and maintenance

座技 Seat
立技 Stand
座技 Seat
立技 Stand
座技 Seat

Fifth systems KATA of Katana
KATA of Kodachi

KATA of Naginata
1) 學員可以每年一次拜訪日本本部道場「玄武館」由師範直接指導。
Students can visit the Japanese dojo once a year to receive a guidance from the Japanese sensei.
2) 日本師範會以網上授課形式進行劍術研習指導。
The Japanese teacher will have a online seminar to our students.
3) 常規練習將由本部道場指定門下生協助指導。
Regular training will be assisted and guided by trainer designated by the Japanese dojo.
——— 上課時間 Class Schedule ———
逢星期日 9:30am - 11:00am
逢星期四 8:00pm - 9:30pm
( Sunday 09:30 - 11:00 )
( Thursday 20:00 - 21:30 )
( 90 minutes / lesson )
——— 費用 Fees ———
月費 850港元
Monthly fee HKD 850
年費 10,000円 (此為 : 日本本部道場學員年度登記費)
Annual fee 10,000 yen (Annual registration fee for students from Japanese dojo )
***道袍、角帶及護膝...等 護具 另外購買
***可租借基本練習刀具 (另設 刀具代購服務)